Why Use Flutter for Mobile App Development? Pros and Cons to Consider

Why Use Flutter for Mobile App Development? Pros and Cons to Consider

I’m sure you’d like to choose reliable technology for your app’s development. What would you say about the one Toyota, Google, and eBay use in their mobile solutions?

Flutter apps are becoming increasingly popular and for good reason. However, this doesn’t mean that it’s a one-size-fits-all solution.

Read on if you want to know when Flutter app development is a good decision, what are its pros and cons and learn what kind of app you can build with it.

Key takeaways

  • Flutter is a set of tools with an SDK that allows building products for various platforms including web, iOS, Android, and desktop. Flutter SDK supports the Dart programming language and offers various widgets for building customized apps.
  • One of the main advantages of Flutter is the ability to save time and money by using a single codebase for both Android and iOS platforms. This eliminates the need to build separate apps and reduces development costs.
  • Flutter allows faster implementation of changes on both platforms, thanks to its hot reload feature that lets developers see real-time impacts of code changes.
  • Flutter also excels in creating visually stunning animations. The integration of Flutter with the tool Rive simplifies the process of creating interactive animations, resulting in impressive results.
  • Another benefit of Flutter is its versatility in app development for multiple platforms. Even if you initially only need a mobile app, Flutter provides the flexibility to expand into web and desktop applications in the future.
  • Overall, Flutter offers reliability, time and cost savings, accelerated time-to-launch, easy implementation of changes, eye-catching animations, and versatility in app development.

Facts and figures about Flutter technology

What is Flutter? Let’s start with the most basic information about this technology.

  • It’s a set of tools with an SDK (software development kit) that enables building products that work on many platforms such as web, iOS, Android, and desktop.
  • Flutter SDK supports Dart programming language.
  • Apart from the SDK, Flutter offers various widgets that make it easier to build apps, even highly customized ones.
  • It was Google that started developing Flutter. The first version was released in 2017.
  • Its main cross-platform alternative is React Native. This technology is older and was initially an alternative to Xamarin.
  • Year by year, Flutter offers more, and its popularity grows. It’s an open-source SDK so that everybody can develop and improve it. According to Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023, Flutter is among the top 10 most popular frameworks and libraries that aren’t strictly web technologies, leaving React Native behind.

Pros of Flutter app development

Time and money savings

Let’s say you want a mobile app that works on Android and iOS. Typically, you’d have to build two apps separately for each system. With Flutter, you only need one codebase. It will work on iPhones and smartphones with Android. This is possible because all of the logic and algorithms are shared between these two different platforms – iOS and Android.

The bottom line is that building two apps is unnecessary when you can make just one. It takes less time and, consequently, doesn’t cost as much.

Accelerated time-to-launch

Do you need to release the app on a short notice? You have greater chances to achieve this goal when choosing Flutter apps. Even though QA specialists still have to test the app on both platforms, writing code requires a smaller amount of time. This means that users will get your product sooner, and you can profit from it earlier thanks to a shorter time-to-market.

Fast implementation of changes on Android and iOS

Sometimes, hard-to-foresee circumstances force you to fix bugs in the app on both platforms as soon as possible. In the case of native apps, Android and iOS developers need to write code separately, which takes more time. Flutter developers only add changes to one codebase, fixing both apps simultaneously. As a result, you improve the app faster, and the user experience is better.

Flutter has a hot reload feature that allows you to see how changes to the code impact the app in real-time. This feature is incredibly convenient during the maintenance phase when we want to fix bugs quickly and immediately see how new code made the app look and work.

Easy-to-make animations that catch the eye

Will animations play a vital role in your app? If so, Flutter is a great choice. It makes it easier for software developers to create visually stunning animations—even complex ones. In the latter case, developers need to integrate the Flutter app with the tool Rive, which is quite simple to use.

Rive facilitates the process of creating interactive animations, so it takes less time, and the results can be really impressive. You don’t have to take our word for it; just check the Duolingo app. Its creators used Rive to make their animations, which are often advanced.

So, if you can’t imagine your app without animations, Flutter with Rive is the perfect choice.

Versatility – app development for multiple platforms

Even if you don’t need to develop several kinds of apps (mobile, web, and desktop) now, in the future, you may want to reconsider it. And here comes Flutter to help you out. You can reuse code written for mobile apps to develop your web or desktop products. This option is less time-consuming than building everything from scratch. It’s a particularly beneficial solution from the business perspective.

High-level performance

Flutter is a very special cross-platform technology – unlike React Native, it doesn’t connect with native app components via a bridge. Instead, it uses widgets to communicate with the platform. As a result, this process is accelerated, and the app works fast and without delays.

If you’re wondering whether the performance will still be as good with advanced animations, we have some good news. Now, Flutter uses Impeller, a new graphic engine that significantly increases the performance of iOS apps. It also works on Android (3.16 version). That said, Flutter is a go-to option when you want to choose cross-platform development, add complex animations, and still enjoy fast performance.

Consistent aesthetic on both platforms

The UI design of your iOS and Android apps should be consistent. Flutter makes it possible. The entire user interface is shared between the two platforms, so apps on two systems can look the same. But what if you need elements unique for Android or iOS? Then, use Cupertino and Material Design widgets. They enable you to add native components that users of each platform are familiar with.

Flutter widgets facilitate building visually appealing user interfaces. It improves UX and makes it easier to use the app.

An active and growing community

Thanks to the vast community, the number of Flutter libraries, widgets, and supporting materials is rapidly growing. This way, getting help is easier when Flutter developers encounter problems writing code. You can simply ask community members or the Flutter team.

With so many people involved in Flutter development, this technology offers more possibilities year by year. For example, access to native device elements, such as GPS or a camera, was once difficult. This has changed thanks to various libraries developed by the community and the Flutter team.

Cons of Flutter app development

Flutter app size is larger compared to native apps

They say that every good thing comes with a price. In this case, the price is the size of the app.

When comparing Kotlin and Swift apps, Flutter apps are larger. Why? They contain the entire code that is required for the app to work. Native apps can have smaller sizes because they use platform elements instead.

On the bright side, this difference between app sizes gets smaller. The Dart AOT compiler removes unnecessary or reachable code, optimizing and reducing the app’s size.

Another good news is that more users have devices with ample storage, so the size of the app doesn’t become a problem.

App performance is worse in certain cases

Although Flutter’s performance is generally good, sometimes problems occur. For example, the app can be slower when it performs many complicated calculations, processes a lot of graphical content, or handles low-level sensor management.

In such cases, native technologies like Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android would allow the app to work faster. For the same reason, we also recommend native technologies in IoT development.

Flutter development vs React Native

Should you create apps with Flutter or React Native? After all, they both enable cross-platform development. The differences, however, are substantial. These two technologies rely on different mechanics.

For instance, React Native uses JavaScript bridges to access native components and develop features based on platform-specific elements.

Flutter doesn’t need this. Instead, it is based on widgets, which improve the app’s performance and allow flexibility. Flutter app developers can adjust the widgets if something needs fast customization.

Interestingly, Flutter already has more stars, forks, and commits on GitHub than React Native. Even though the latter is two years older and is based on a programming language, more people are familiar with (JavaScript). It says a lot about Flutter’s fast-growing popularity, which stems from its effectiveness and usability.

Flutter app examples from different industries

Now that you know the pros and cons of Flutter application development, check out how it looks in practice. We’ve prepared a few examples of apps created with Flutter widgets.

Zoho Tables

#productivity #workmanagement

This app helps users manage their tasks and collaborate on various projects. It connects with the smartphone’s native elements – a camera that enables uploading photos and a microphone to record voice notes.

App on Google Play


#ecommerce #personalization

It’s a popular eCommerce app with millions of users worldwide. This online store offers features that make shopping and discovering new products easier and more convenient. It was developed with Flutter from start to finish, which proves that this cross-platform technology works well in the eCommerce industry.

App on Apple App Store

App on Google Play


#personaldevelopment #livechat

LeggUp was made for employees who participate in professional and self-development sessions. This Flutter app enables them, for example, to take and save notes, download the learning materials, and get in touch with their coaches thanks to a chat feature. We’ve started this project in 2021. Back then, the Zoom SDK for Flutter didn’t exist, so we made it ourselves. It shows that even if you lack some elements required for the development of your Flutter app, you don’t have to drop the feature. Thanks to some additional effort, you can make it on your own.

App on Apple App Store

App on Google Play

LeggUP app - screens


#scanner #calculations

Users of OneSplit can easily split bills with this app. It calculates how much each person owes to the payer based on the input of the total amount or the bill scan. The scanner’s primary role is to digitize the bill. To make this possible, the app needs access to a camera.

App on Apple App Store

App on Google Play


#socialmedia #animations

It’s a communication tool. Its users create animated drawings and don’t even need any unique talents for this. Yoodl offers tools for intuitive drawings so that anyone can be an author of visually appealing animations. The sole process of animating them is very fast – it only takes a few seconds.

App on Apple App Store

App on Google Play

For more Flutter app examples, check out our list.

Flutter app development services by Holdapp

All in all, there are many reasons to choose Flutter for your next app development project. However, this is not a universal solution that is always a good idea. Sometimes, native technologies will be a better choice, so it’s best to keep that in mind and analyze all the options with experienced Flutter developers. They will tell you if cross-platform applications are suitable for you.

The question is – how do you choose a software development company? We recommend checking the team’s experience. How many projects do they have in their portfolio? What industries do they work for? What do their clients say about them? This information is crucial when choosing a partner to cooperate with you on a mobile app development process.

Get to know us better and read about our mobile app projects. From a cultural institution to a company that specializes in personal development – we’ve been developing Flutter apps for various clients and markets.

So, if you are still unsure about using Flutter, write to us. We’ll help you choose the best solution. Additionally, you can read our blog posts about Flutter app development to better understand this technology.

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