Product Design Workshops

Get to know your users and create a product that answers their needs.

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What is a Product Design workshop?

Do you want to know how to create an app that solves users’ problems, develops a bond between them and a brand, and at the same time increases sales? This is a challenge that requires a proper plan.

Our Design workshops, based on the Product Design Sprint method, can help you with that. We rely on the design thinking approach and focus on user experience. to

Each design workshop is divided into several stages. During the session, the multidisciplinary team does research on the expectations potential users have. The goal is it find out what are the real market demands.

We also create our solution proposals. As a result, everyone involved in the product development process knows what users expect. This way, the team can prepare their own project roadmap.

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Design workshops - the way to reach your goals

This method is not only exceptionally productive but also relatively fast. There’s often a long way from ideation to realization – full of discussions that can last for hours. Their effectiveness is sometimes hard to predict. Workshops optimize this process.

In just a few hours you will be able to determine whether the idea for your product has a chance to succeed and what are the most promising ways of its development.

Workshops will also help you estimate the cost of the whole venture and specify what resources do you need. All this knowledge significantly reduces business risk.

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Cost savings

Deep knowledge of both users and competition allows you to create refined products. It also helps you avoid making expensive errors.

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Better efficiency

Defining clear goals and main features of the app enables us to choose technological solutions that guarantee the best performance.

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Reduced risk

Adjusting the roadmap to the company’s technological and financial possibilities minimizes the risk of your venture.

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Product-market fit

A thorough analysis of target groups’ problems and the situation in the market allows us to come up with solutions that have a great chance to succeed.

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Clear strategy

The entire team shares the product vision and comes up with solutions for the MVP and the upcoming stages of the software development.

During the workshop, you will find out what are the essential issues that can determine the success of your product.

  • Get to know what the users’ problems are, needs, and motivations. 
  • Check out what users do to achieve their goals and what do they value the most in apps. 
  • If you already have an existing product, determine why users rarely get back to your app.
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Workshop participants

The composition of the workshop team depends on the goals we want to achieve. Usually, the Holdapp participants include a UX/UI designer, software developers, and a facilitator.

It’s best when we’re joined by a product owner, key stakeholders, and specialists with vast knowledge about the client’s business, target groups, existing apps, and marketing strategy.

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Who should consider the workshops?

  • Startups with ideas for an app but no clue how to plan a roadmap and what technologies to choose.
  • Companies that have been operating in the market for many years and want to create a new product that answers the real-life problems of their target group.
  • Brands that think about changing their products and need to know how to improve them.

It doesn’t matter how complex is your idea for a product. The conclusions we reach during the workshops can optimize the development process of both complicated and simple projects.

If you want to know more about this approach, visit, where participants of Product Design Sprint workshops from many different companies and industries share their experiences. Take a look and find out if this method is right for your business.

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What do we focus on?

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Research & analysis

Defining users’ needs and expectations, checking the competition and estimating our own possibilities.

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Preparing a product strategy that takes available resources, time limits and financial possibilities into account.

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Designing a plan for a basic version of the product that solves users’ problem and distinguishes a product from the competition.

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Selecting solutions that will ensure users with the best experience and allow us to optimize the project execution.

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User behavior

Analyzing the findings from the user research and mapping out navigation paths that will let users intuitively move within the app and take advantage of its key features.

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Workshop duration

Usually, the Product Design Sprint workshop is a series of meetings. It often last from 2 to 5 days. It always depends on the project because we adjust the agenda to our client’s requirements and the goals they want to achieve.

During such a session, we focus on understanding users’ needs, problems, and motivations. We also choose the technologies and functionalities that are necessary to satisfy the target group. At the same time, we look at the project from a business perspective and adjust the selected solutions to the client’s strategy.

Sometimes, as part of this workshop, we also prepare low-fi wireframes or even clickable prototypes and conduct usability testing. In such cases, the workshop stage takes more time but also answers more questions, enable us to improve UX, and you get a prototype that might interest your stakeholders.

What do you get from the workshop?

Prioritized ideas for features

Recommendations of solutions

Project cost estimation

A workshop report

Links to online boards with workshop activities

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Our workshop methods

Depending on your goals, we organize different types of UX workshops: Product Design or Product Discovery, or combine the two to achieve the best results.

Throughtout the Design workshops, we focus more on quick ideation with some specific problems in mind. During the Discovery workshops, we spend more time understanding the business and market to create a better product vision. In both cases, there’s time to generate ideas for features and conduct research. As a cross-functional team, we discuss and prioritize all the ideas with the most important user personas in mind. As a result, you are well-prepared for the product development process.

A set of tools and frameworks helps us achieve our goals, such as user journey mapping or Value Proposition Canvas. Check out some examples of activities we use during the Product Discovery workshops on our blog.


Design workshops - process step by step

We work with clients based on a design thinking approach to creating digital products. However, every project scope is different, and companies have various goals and target users. That’s why, each time, we adjust the workshop agenda to clients’ individual needs.


Goals and assumptions

We determine what knowledge about the product we already have and ask the client to fill out the project brief. It allows us to find out what the assumptions behind the conception were. It includes information about the target user personas and the ideas that shape the initial product vision. We also get to know the goals of the product workshop and the expected results.



First, we get to know the users. For this reason, before the workshops, we conduct desk research and look for more information about their preferences, problems, motivations, and lifestyles. During this stage, we try to put on the user persona’s shoes and determine the pain points they encounter when trying to achieve their goals. We also examine what competition offers them.


Ideation and prioritization

In the next step, we improve the product vision through specific activities, such as creating a user journey map or filling out a Unique Value Proposition canvas. This ideation technique helps us determine what solutions would be an answer to users’ problems. They should stand out and help us achieve our business goals. We choose the best ideas for the MVP and decide what should be added to the product later. Additionally, we discuss what visual aspects of the analyzed competitors’ apps should be an inspiration for our software project.


Project cost estimation

When the product vision is detailed and well-thought-out, the software developers analyze it and choose the best technologies to turn the idea into an app. Together with a UX designer, they estimate the cost of this product development.



Finally, we prepare a report from the product design workshop with all the knowledge and insights gathered during these sessions. The document also features the app development plan, the materials prepared during each stage, and recommendations.

Build your new project with us


Let's talk about details

Let us know what goals you want to achieve with this design workshop. We will keep that in mind while preparing for the session. So at the end of the day, the result will meet your expectations and help you create a well-performing app. The one that will satisfy both you and your users.

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