
The app recognizes products in the fitting room and helps clients choose clothes tailored to their needs.

The app recognizes products in the fitting room and helps clients choose clothes tailored to their needs.

An icon: a laptop and a shirt with a percentage symbol.


March - July 2024

Key takeaways

Problem and PRM staff care about providing professional advice for their customers on choosing clothes and accessories. However, it generates additional costs and leaves less time for other tasks.

Moreover, some customers don’t want to ask for help too often and interact with the staff.


SmartTry app recognizes clothes in the fitting rooms thanks to RFID tags pinned to products. The app shows customers recommended clothes in various sizes and colors.

In SmartTry, you can also order different variants of clothes and accessories. Staff members bring them to the fitting room. The app sends them notifications so customers don’t have to leave the booth to ask for help.

Our tasks






About the client is an online store currently present in 11 European markets. The offer includes clothes, shoes, and accessories from many renowned premium brands, sportswear, outdoor, and more.

Concept Store Answear is located in Warsaw’s Norblin Factory. Its clients can choose among many products, use tailoring services, pick up packages ordered online, and even drink coffee and rest in a relaxation zone.

PRM brand belongs to, and its Concept Store is located at Norblin Factory, too. You can find fashionable clothes and accessories there, as well as collector’s items, among other things. Customers can also get help from stylists. and PRM put top-quality service first so that clients of both Concept Stores can use intelligent systems in the fitting rooms.


Find more info on (Answear Concept Store) and (PRM Concept Store).

Answear logo

Project goals

  • Facilitating searching for products that meet the client’s requirements
  • Creating a friendly environment for people who don’t like frequent interactions with the staff
  • Time-saving and facilitating staff’s work by taking some duties related to customer services off their shoulders.


  • Integration with internal systems
  • Data integration from many providers
  • Creation of the algorithm that captures incorrect indications of the RFID antennas

Key features

  • Recognizing products in the fitting rooms
  • Displaying the product information (available colors and sizes)
  • Sending requests for the staff to bring other clothes to the fitting room

App development process

01 Documentation analysis and recommendations for changes

The client delivered detailed documentation and precisely described their requirements. Our team has analyzed this information and made necessary changes that enabled efficient project execution.

02 App development

We’ve created the app for Android devices with big screens. The UI project was designed by the agency.

03 Tests

When the first version of the app was ready, the client’s team tested it. Based on the results of these tests, we’ve implemented the necessary improvements.

04 Making the app available in the fitting rooms

Clients can use the app on devices located at Answear and PRM Concept Stores.

Technologies and tools

  • Coroutines
  • Jetpack Compose
  • Hilt
  • Retrofit and okhttp
  • MVVM architecture
  • Unit tests
Loader - SmartTry app for Answear

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