Green Bag


Septemper 2021 - Septemper 2022
Key takeaways

The Pavement Project team used to rely on printed materials to conduct sessions with children. Certified workers were carrying these resources in their green bags, hence the name of the app. To make their work more effective, the decision was made to save the results of the sessions on the mobile app. It enabled using them in subsequent meetings.
The challenge however was the unstable internet connection. Workers usually work in areas where the web infrastructure is underdeveloped. The new app had to solve this problem.

The app is the workers’ elementary tool of work. With its help, they can add new children to the database and save their answers along with the insights from the meetings. They can edit their materials and send them over any time they want. The software enables them also to preview other forms and download the resources from the panel.
Green Bag synchronizes automatically. It gives its users access to the latest data.
Our responsibilities

Android app development


QA tests

UI Redesign

Project Management
The purpose was to build a tool that would replace the old app. Our client needed stable software. We wanted to create a product that could work effectively no matter the quality of the internet connection. The new app also had to keep the session structure that certified workers are used to.

About Lifewords Global
Lifewords is a Christian charity building bridges between the Bible and everyday life. They produce printed and digital Bible resources in many languages. The Pavement Project is one of their key programs. It’s a counseling resource dedicated to children around the world who need support the most.

The greatest challenge was to adjust the app to various types of tablets, including the ones from the older generation. At the same time, the product had to support many offline features and work efficiently. Luckily, the selection of the latest libraries allowed us to meet all these requirements.
- The app is used mostly in areas with limited access to the internet, so it has to work both in online and offline mode.
- For the same reason, we had to enable compression of the forms that include photos. This allows users to send these forms even with a weak internet signal.
- Fast data synchronization was also a must, no matter the quality of the internet connection.
- The target group uses different languages, so the app additionally supports languages written from right to left.
- We’ve implemented solutions that ensure the safety of personal data to protect sensitive information.
- The representatives of the target group often use tablets of the older generation. So, we had to adjust the app to many types of devices (with different screen dimensions, sizes, etc.).
- Our team has implemented customized gestures, so the certified workers could conveniently use the app.
- We’ve also enabled the edition of the displayed elements in the administrative panel.

Key features
- Offline and online login
- Access to session materials
- Biblical stories
- Feedback form
- Form for adding children to the database
- Possibility to save the forms locally on a device
- Option to send the form to the server
- Automatic form synchronization with the server (periodically and on demand)
- Access to the resources shared in the external panel


1. Rebuilding the UI
Creating the UX and UI wireframes was our first step. New screens were supposed to have a modern look. The goal was also to facilitate using the app thanks to intuitive solutions. That’s the reason why we’ve reduced the text and redesigned some elements, so people could easily understand what to do with them, no matter what language they speak.

2. Synchronization with API
The proper performance of the app depends on efficient synchronization with the external API. Hence, working out the system that could enable this, was a necessary stage that preceded programming.

3. The app development and QA tests
We’ve programmed the app with the Kotlin language. This native technology assures stability which was vital in the case of this product.
The team worked iteratively, according to the agile approach. Quality tests were taking place along with the coding. Our QA specialists were mainly responsible for this task. The external tests were also conducted by the selected people from the client’s team.

4. Launch on Google Play
We’ve managed the distribution process. Our team was adjusting the app to the store’s requirements on the fly. We were also supporting the client in matters regarding the marketing and legal materials that are needed to publish the app on Google Play.
Technologies and tools
- Kotlin
- Bitrise (CI/CD)
- Jira (task management)
- Firebase (analytics and stability control)
- GitHub (development)
- Figma (design)

Do you want to build a stable app?
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