Sports betting industry
2022- currently
About the client
forBET Sázková kancelář is a sports betting company operating in Czechia.
Their services are primarily aimed at sports and gaming fans. The goal is to deliver a fun, adrenaline-packed experience to their users.

Before the mobile app, its web app was the only way for users to play on forBET.
The website was very popular on mobile devices. It made the forBET team consider building a native app for the Android system.
This way, playing games in the casino and making sports bets on smaller screens was supposed to become an even better experience.

Our priority was to allow users to make bets and check the scores in no time. It’s not so easy in the case of such complex apps. That’s why software developers had to create unique solutions that enable quick data transfer and changes.
A wide range of sports disciplines and games makes the app more entertaining. But at the same time, it may confuse people who aren’t used to such solutions. It was necessary to take it into account when creating the interface.
Sports betting apps cannot be published on the Google Play store. That’s why we used a dedicated system that enables updating the software.

Our tasks
- development of the first native app with a casino on the Czech market
- QA tests
- integration with the client’s API
- integration with solutions from external providers


The new way of processing data from providers
The app allows users to select from around 1,000 events. Within each of them, they can make several types of bets. It gives users many possibilities.
It also means that Czech providers need to deliver a lot of information. We receive all data about the events at the same time. In the beginning, it was slowing the app down.
We had to optimize the quantity of transferred data. For this reason, the backend team created a dedicated API, especially for the CZ forBET app.
We were responsible for developing the logic to connect with the new API. It was impossible to choose ready-to-use solutions, so we built our own, based on cache. This way, we process the data in a way that allows us to display them according to our needs, and the entire app works faster.

Current data with SocketIO
Together with backend developers, we’ve created a solution that enables us to update the data faster.
Most elements are displayed thanks to local cache memory. We only update changes – that’s what SocketIO is for. Thanks to that, the players can, for example, quickly refresh the view with the saldo and check the stakes.
As part of our close cooperation with the backend team, we designed REST inquiries. The ability to create specifications regarding such queries for the backend team improved the implementation of these solutions.

Integration with external services
A wide selection of games, smooth performance, and a high safety level are the principles every mobile app with a casino must meet.
That’s why we’ve chosen the integration with Apollo Games and Egaming platforms. These advanced systems give users access to many games so everyone can find something for themselves.

Livescore statistics
Users expect the app to display current data. To make it possible, we connected the app with the Livescore database. This way, we can show the scores in real time, and players can check them anytime.

Data safety
We use Signal, cryptographical algorithms, to secure the app’s PIN code.

WebView optimization
Games in the casino are based on the WebView. The games can download faster than via traditional browsers thanks to injecting some parts of data directly from the app.
But WebView has a particular disadvantage – sending a large quantity of data is a time-consuming process. To make it faster, we’ve developed a solution that optimizes the speed of web apps within our Android app.

With the app’s growth in mind, we’ve implemented the tool for mobile app analytics – Google Firebase. It allows us to monitor errors, detect eventual problems quicker, and measure the efficiency of our solutions.

Payment module
We made sure that forBET users can make transactions comfortably and quickly. Our module offers various payment options to choose from. The players can adjust them to their preferences, which is more accessible thanks to a clear UI design.

Legal adjustments
Our team develops the app according to the requirements required by law in Czechia. We cooperate with the Czech legal department and consult all new solutions regularly.
Above all, this involves the account verification procedure. It differs from sports betting apps that operate, for example, on the Polish market.
Moreover, the Czech app is connected with the national base of people with gambling problems. It prevents them from making bets and participating in games, so using the app responsibly is easier.
Professionalism, reliability, and punctuality are just a few primary features that characterize our cooperation with Holdapp. The company’s flexibility in handling unexpected obstacles is especially worth appreciation, and it was essential to overcome difficulties successfully. Thanks to our presence on a mobile platform, we were able to gain a significantly higher number of users.
Key features
Tools and technologies
- Kotlin
- Jira (task management)
- Bitrise (CI/CD)
- GitLab (version control)
- Firebase (analytics)
- Crashlytics (stability control)


project manager

QA Specialist
Why choose us?

Mobile Trends Awards 2021
Winning app in

Legal Bookmakers Award 2019
Best Mobile App

Mobile Trends Awards 2023
client reviews

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